April showers bring May FLOWERS! It is spring again, and as we have done previously:
Spring = Light and Fluffy Themes
Fall = Dark and Delicious Themes
This spring it was decided that we would get everyone ready to skip through the fields (allergy free of course) and let that light breeze take you away to a more carefree mental place! Let those feminine wiles go CRAZY!
There are only 50 spots available but if the applicants surprise us - we MAY be persuaded to raise the bar to 75. So do your best Second Life Merchants! As you know, Jenna and I keep our eyes open for new stores all year round to introduce to our beloved Dolly Community as well as those favored staples that we all know and love. These stores will be SENT Hunt Invitations - Hand delivered by one of us.
The spots that are left over once those stores accept or decline are the ones that we fill with those lucky few who send in Applications and we fell in love with. This also qualifies these stores with a targeted in world group, dedicated to our Dollies for advertising sales and promotions within ALL YEAR ROUND -and- one of those coveted invitation spots for the fall!
Please Visit the following locations for an Application - Just slap the Hunt Sign and accept the NC!
Filthy Things
The Doll Box
Spiked Devil
Jenna's Whimsey
I am looking forward to hearing from you!
Trinity Vuissent
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